Sterilization Services

Sterilization Services


Our hospital values employee and patient safety. Therefore, sterilization and infection control are of great importance. Infection control; It is carried out under the light of up-to-date sterilization information with modern devices.
In our central sterilization system, we believe that the correct record will be the correct evidence for patient and employee safety.
In our central sterilization unit, daily according to the sterilization criteria;
- Bowie-Dick test app
- use of biological and chemical indicators
- The device output reports of the sterilization process of the autoclaves are taken and filed.
Our Central Sterilization Unit is in accordance with the Service Quality Standards
- Dirty area
- Clean area
- Arranged as a sterile field.
In our central sterilization unit of our hospital;
- Three double-door autoclaves,
- Four double-door washer-disinfector devices,
- Four cassette type autoclaves,
- Pneumatic (carrier) system
- There are head lubrication devices.
In the central sterilization process;
Dirty instruments are counted and the unit name and clinic name information are recorded in the HBYS Sterilization Module.
In the dirty area, the dirty tools are washed in water and mechanically cleaned. The instruments are then placed in the double door washer-disinfector. After the dirty tools are cleaned in the washing disinfector device, they are taken from the clean exit door in the clean area in a dry state, and the packaging stage is started.
Clean instruments are packaged by creating treatment and examination sets according to the treatment procedures. Packaged instruments are barcoded separately in line with the information recorded at the dirty entrance.
On the barcode;
- Physician's name,
- Clinic name,
- Packing date,
- Expiration date,
- Sterilization device,
Sterilizer person information is included.
Packaged instruments are placed in the double door autoclave from the clean area. After the sterilization process is performed, the instruments are taken from the autoclave and placed on specially prepared shelves.
The instruments stored in the sterile area are recorded by reading their barcodes via the HBYS Sterilization Module and transferred to the relevant physicians and clinics.
Aerators, micromotors, contra-angle heads etc. to be sterilized are sent to the Central Sterilization Unit with dirty instrument carrier trays via the elevator on the floors of our hospital.
Heads with defined physicians are recorded on the HBS Sterilization Module and packaged after the lubrication and washing processes in Central Sterilization, and sterilization is performed by barcoding.
The barcodes of the sterilization processes are read and the output information is recorded via HBYS. Clean instruments are delivered to the concerned physician and clinic.