About the clinic

Our specialist dentists work in our clinic.
In our Periodontology Clinic, the diseases of the soft and hard tissues surrounding the teeth and providing the attachment of the teeth are treated. Again in this clinic; It is tried to regain the lost gingiva with various operations.
In addition to the treatment of our patients, oral hygiene training is also provided by our periodontology specialists on correct oral and dental care.
In our clinic, there is the first examination room and the area where periodontal operations are performed with local anesthesia.
Treatment procedures performed in our clinic
- Subgingival curettage,
- Detertage,
- Gingivectomy,
- Gingivoplasty,
- Flap operation,
- Periodontal abscess treatment,
- Subgingival drug administration,
- Tunnel operation,
- Implant application
- Free gingival graft,
- Periodontal chine (permanent-temporary),
- hemisection,
- Extreme arm sensitivity,
- Frenectomy,
- Vestibuloplasty,
- Membrane application.