About the clinic

Crown on the part of the tooth that is above the gingiva and is visible in the mouth; The part that is not visible in the mouth and remains in the bone is called the root. Teeth consist of several layers. The outermost layer; It is the enamel layer that is seen above the gingival border. Under the enamel layer is dentin. Under the enamel and dentin, which are the outer tissues of the tooth, there is pulp tissue, which is a soft connective tissue and forms the living part of the tooth. During the growth and development of a tooth, the task of the pulp is to nourish it. When the tooth is fully developed; It is to inform the central nervous system that the tooth is damaged or inflamed by transmitting the pain.
It is only possible to protect teeth whose pulp has been damaged due to root tip infections, trauma and similar reasons caused by the inflammation of decayed teeth, only with root canal treatment. Root canal treatment can be completed in a single session, or in some cases it may require more than one session. Root canal treated teeth should be checked at regular intervals.
In our hospital, root canal treatment is performed by both endodontists and dentists.